Quantification of bulk elemental composition for C‐type asteroid Ryugu samples with nondestructive elemental analysis using muon beam


Ninomiya Kazuhiko1ORCID,Osawa Takahito2,Terada Kentaro3,Wada Taiga4,Nagasawa Shunsaku56,Chiu I‐Haun1,Nakamura Tomoki4,Takahashi Tadayuki6,Miyake Yasuhiro7,Kubo M. Kenya8,Takeshita Soshi7,Taniguchi Akihiro9,Umegaki Izumi710,Watanabe Shin611,Azuma Toshiyuki12,Katsuragawa Miho6,Minami Takahiro56,Mizumoto Kazumi13,Shimomura Koichiro7,Takeda Shin'ichiro6,Morita Tomoyo4,Kikuiri Mizuha4,Amano Kana4ORCID,Kagawa Eiichi4,Furukawa Yoshihiro4ORCID,Yurimoto Hisayoshi14ORCID,Noguchi Takaaki15ORCID,Okazaki Ryuji16,Yabuta Hikaru17,Naraoka Hiroshi16,Sakamoto Kanako18,Tachibana Shogo1819ORCID,Yada Toru18,Nishimura Masahiro18,Nakato Aiko18,Miyazaki Akiko18,Yogata Kasumi18,Abe Masanao18,Okada Tatsuaki18,Usui Tomohiro18,Yoshikawa Makoto18,Saiki Takanao18,Tanaka Satoshi18,Terui Fuyuto20,Nakazawa Satoru18,Watanabe Sei‐ichiro21,Tsuda Yuichi18


1. Institute for Radiation Sciences Osaka University Toyonaka Japan

2. Materials Sciences Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Tokai Japan

3. Graduate School of Science Osaka University Toyonaka Japan

4. Graduate School of Science Tohoku University Sendai Japan

5. Department of Physics The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Japan

6. Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI) The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Japan

7. Institute of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tokai Japan

8. College of Liberal Arts International Christian University Mitaka Japan

9. Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science Kyoto University Kumatori Japan

10. Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc. Nagakute Japan

11. JAXA Space Exploration Center (JSEC) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Sagamihara Japan

12. Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Lab., RIKEN Wako Japan

13. Tokyo University of the Arts Tokyo Japan

14. School of Science Hokkaido University Sapporo Japan

15. Graduate School of Science Kyoto University Kyoto Japan

16. Faculty of Science Kyushu University Fukuoka Japan

17. Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Hiroshima University Higashi‐Hiroshima Japan

18. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Sagamihara Japan

19. Department of Earth and Planetary Science The University of Tokyo Tokyo Japan

20. Kanagawa Institute of Technology Atsugi Japan

21. Graduate School of Environmental Studies Nagoya University Nagoya Japan


AbstractSamples from asteroid Ryugu, brought back by asteroid explorer Hayabusa2, are important for investigating the origin and evolution of the solar system. Here, we report the elemental compositions of a 123‐mg Ryugu sample determined with a nondestructive muon elemental analysis method. This method is a powerful tool for determining bulk chemical composition, including light elements such as C, N, and O. From the muonic x‐ray spectra with three carbonaceous chondrites, the relationship between the elemental composition and muonic x‐ray intensity was determined for each element. Calibration curves showed linearity, and the elemental composition of Ryugu was quantitatively determined. The results reflect the average bulk elemental composition of asteroid Ryugu owing to the large amount of samples. Ryugu has an elemental composition similar to that of Orgueil (CI1) and should be classified as CI1. However, the O/Si ratio of Ryugu is 25% lower than that of Orgueil, indicating that Orgueil may have been seriously contaminated by terrestrial materials after its fall to Earth. These results indicate that the Ryugu sample is more representative than the CI chondrites as a solid material of the solar system.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science




Space and Planetary Science,Geophysics

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