Adult stem cells and regenerative medicine—a symposium report


Cable Jennifer1,Fuchs Elaine2,Weissman Irving3,Jasper Heinrich4,Glass David5,Rando Thomas A.6,Blau Helen7,Debnath Shawon8,Oliva Anthony9,Park Sangbum10,Passegué Emmanuelle11,Kim Carla12131415,Krasnow Mark A.16


1. Science Writer New York New York

2. Robin Chemers Neustein Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development, Howard Hughes Medical Institute The Rockefeller University New York New York

3. Pathology Stem Cell Institute Stanford University Stanford California

4. Genentech San Francisco California

5. Novartis Cambridge Massachusetts

6. Neurology & Neurological Sciences Stanford University Stanford California

7. Microbiology and Immunology ‐ Baxter Labs Stanford University Stanford California

8. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Weill Cornell Medical College New York New York

9. Longeveron Miami Florida

10. Department of Genetics Yale University New Haven Connecticut

11. Columbia Stem Cell Initiative, Department of Genetics & Development Columbia University New York New York

12. Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Boston Massachusetts

13. Division of Hematology/Oncology, Stem Cell Program, Department of Pediatrics Boston Children's Hospital Boston Massachusetts

14. Genetics Department Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts

15. Harvard Stem Cell Institute Cambridge Massachusetts

16. Department of Biochemistry Stanford University Stanford California


National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

National Science Foundation

March of Dimes Foundation




History and Philosophy of Science,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Neuroscience

Reference52 articles.

1. National Cancer Institute.2005.Blood‐forming stem cell transplants. September 9 2005. Accessed April 17 2019.

2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.2019.Approved cellular and gene therapy products. May 24 2019. Accessed August 28 2019.

3. European Medicines Agency.2018.Holoclar. September 17 2018. Accessed April 17 2019.

4. Rapid functional dissection of genetic networks via tissue-specific transduction and RNAi in mouse embryos

5. Pioneer factors govern super-enhancer dynamics in stem cell plasticity and lineage choice

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