Lactococcus lactis YfiA is necessary and sufficient for ribosome dimerization


Puri Pranav1,Eckhardt Thomas H.2,Franken Linda E.3,Fusetti Fabrizia1,Stuart Marc C. A.3,Boekema Egbert J.3,Kuipers Oscar P.2,Kok Jan2,Poolman Bert1


1. Department of Biochemisry; Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute; Netherlands Proteomics Centre & Zernike Institute for Advance Materials; University of Groningen; Nijenborgh 4 Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands

2. Department of Molecular Genetics; Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute; Netherlands Proteomics Centre & Zernike Institute for Advance Materials; University of Groningen; Nijenborgh 4 Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands

3. Department of Biophysical Chemistry; Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute; Netherlands Proteomics Centre & Zernike Institute for Advance Materials; University of Groningen; Nijenborgh 4 Nijenborgh 7 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands




Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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