Characteristics of disorders of gut–brain interaction in the Japanese population in the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiological Study


Fukudo Shin1ORCID,Nakaya Kumi2,Muratsubaki Tomohiko1,Nakaya Naoki2,Hozawa Atsushi2,Bangdiwala Shrikant I.34,Palsson Olafur S.5,Sperber Ami D.6ORCID,Kanazawa Motoyori1


1. Department of Behavioral Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Sendai Japan

2. Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization Tohoku University Sendai Japan

3. Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact McMaster University Hamilton Ontario Canada

4. Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University Hamilton Ontario Canada

5. Center for Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill North Carolina USA

6. Faculty of Health Sciences Ben‐Gurion University of the Negev Beer‐Sheva Israel


AbstractBackgroundThe aims were to use Japanese data from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiological Study (RFGES) to test the hypotheses that severity of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and psychosocial disturbance are ordered as Rome IV irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) > Rome III IBS > DGBI, not IBS > others.MethodsSubjects were 2504 Japanese in the RFGES. We assessed DGBI/IBS diagnoses with Rome IV/III, IBS Symptom Severity Scale (IBS‐SSS), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) for anxiety/depression and non‐GI somatic symptoms, PROMIS‐10 for quality of life (QOL), Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire, parts of Self‐reported IBS Questionnaire (SIBSQ) for meal effect and stress effect, Food Frequency Questionnaire, and medication questions.Key ResultsThe prevalence of Rome IV DGBI was as follows; IBS‐C 0.5%, IBS‐D 0.8%, IBS‐M 0.8%, IBS‐U 0.1%, unspecified functional bowel disorder 10.7%, postprandial distress syndrome 2.2%, and epigastric pain syndrome 0.3%. Rome III IBS prevalence; IBS‐C 3.0%, IBS‐D 3.1%, IBS‐M 2.7%, and IBS‐U 0.6%. Comparison among Rome IV IBS (n = 54), Rome III IBS (n = 197), other DGBI (n = 746), others (n = 1389) revealed significant order as Rome IV IBS > Rome III IBS > other DGBI > others in IBS‐SSS, anxiety/depression, activity impairment, non‐GI symptoms, physical QOL, mental QOL, exacerbated symptoms by meals and perceived stress (all p < 0.001).Conclusions & InferencesThese findings support the study hypotheses. Data from Japan as a culturally homogenous country suggest Rome IV IBS is more severe and hence has more gut–brain psychobehavioral involvement than Rome III IBS.


Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Smoking Research Foundation




Gastroenterology,Endocrine and Autonomic Systems,Physiology







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