The Warburg effect in mycobacterial granulomas is dependent on the recruitment and activation of macrophages by interferon-γ


Appelberg Rui1,Moreira Diana12,Barreira-Silva Palmira34,Borges Margarida15,Silva Letícia1,Dinis-Oliveira Ricardo Jorge678,Resende Mariana34,Correia-Neves Margarida34,Jordan Michael B.9,Ferreira Nuno C.10,Abrunhosa Antero J.10,Silvestre Ricardo134


1. Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC); University of Porto; Porto Portugal

2. Departamento de Ciências Biológicas; Faculdade de Farmácia; Universidade do Porto; Porto Portugal

3. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS); School of Health Sciences; University of Minho; Braga Portugal

4. ICVS/3Bs-PT Government Associate Laboratory; Braga/Guimarães Portugal

5. Department of Biological Sciences; Faculty of Pharmacy; University of Porto; Porto Portugal

6. UCIBIO-REQUIMTE; Laboratory of Toxicology; Department of Biological Sciences; Faculty of Pharmacy; University of Porto; Porto Portugal

7. Department of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; University of Porto; Porto Portugal

8. Department of Sciences; IINFACTS - Institute of Research and Advanced Training in Health Sciences and Technologies; Advanced Institute of Health Sciences - North (ISCS-N); CESPU; CRL; Gandra Portugal

9. Department of Pediatrics; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Cincinnati OH USA

10. Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health (ICNAS); University of Coimbra; Coimbra Portugal


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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