An Occupational Therapy Fall Reduction Home Visit Program for Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Hong Kong After an Emergency Department Visit for a Fall


Chu Mary Man-Lai1,Fong Kenneth Nai-Kuen2,Lit Albert Chau-Hung3,Rainer Timothy Hudson4,Cheng Stella Wai-Chee5,Au Frederick Lap-Yan6,Fung Henry Kwok-Kwong1,Wong Chit-Ming7,Tong Hon-Kuan8


1. Department of Occupational Therapy; Queen Mary Hospital; Hong Kong

2. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hung Hom Hong Kong

3. Accident and Emergency Department; Princess Margaret Hospital; Hong Kong

4. Trauma and Emergency Centre; Prince of Wales Hospital; Hong Kong

5. Department of Occupational Therapy; Princess Margaret Hospital; Hong Kong

6. Department of Occupational Therapy; Prince of Wales Hospital; Hong Kong

7. Department of Community Medicine; University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong

8. Accident and Emergency Department; Queen Mary Hospital; Hong Kong


Health and Medical Research Fund

Food and Health Bureau




Geriatrics and Gerontology

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