Proposed consensus definitions for new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE), febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES), and related conditions


Hirsch Lawrence J.1,Gaspard Nicolas2,van Baalen Andreas3,Nabbout Rima4,Demeret Sophie5,Loddenkemper Tobias6,Navarro Vincent7,Specchio Nicola8,Lagae Lieven9,Rossetti Andrea O.10,Hocker Sara11,Gofton Teneille E.12,Abend Nicholas S.13,Gilmore Emily J.1,Hahn Cecil14,Khosravani Houman1516,Rosenow Felix17,Trinka Eugen1819


1. Comprehensive Epilepsy Center; Department of Neurology; Yale University; New Haven CT USA

2. Department of Neurology; Université Libre de Bruxelles - Hôpital Erasme; Bruxelles Belgium

3. Department of Neuropediatrics; Christian-Albrechts University; University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein; Kiel Germany

4. Reference Center for Rare Epilepsies; Department of Child Neurology; Necker Enfants Malades Hospital; AP-HP, Paris Descartes University; Paris France

5. AP-HP, Neurological Intensive Care Unit; Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital; Paris France

6. Division of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology; Department of Neurology; Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School; Boston MA USA

7. AP-HP, GH Pitie-Salpêtrière-Charles Foix; Epilepsy Unit, Brain and Spine Institute; Sorbonne University; UPMC University; Paris France

8. Department of Neuroscience; Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, IRCCS; Rome Italy

9. Department of Development and Regeneration; Section of Pediatric Neurology; University Hospitals Leuven; Leuven Belgium

10. Department of Neurology; CHUV and University of Lausanne; Lausanne Switzerland

11. Division of Critical Care Neurology; Department of Neurology; Mayo Clinic; Rochester MN USA

12. Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences; Western University; Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry; London ON Canada

13. Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia PA USA

14. Division of Neurology; The Hospital for Sick Children and Department of Paediatrics; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada

15. Division of Neurology and Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care; Department of Medicine; Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada

16. Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care; Department of Medicine; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada

17. Epilepsy Center Frankfurt Rhine-Main; Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery; Goethe-University Frankfurt; Frankfurt/Main Germany

18. Department of Neurology; Christian Doppler Medical Center; Paracelsus Medical University; Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; Salzburg Austria

19. Institute of Public Health; Department of Public Health; Health Services and HTA; UMIT; Hall in Tirol Austria




Clinical Neurology,Neurology

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2. The NORSE (new-onset refractory status epilepticus) syndrome: defining a disease entity;Wilder-Smith;Ann Acad Med Singapore,2005

3. Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES): pathogenesis, treatment, and outcome: a multicenter study on 77 children;Kramer;Epilepsia,2011

4. FIRES and IHHE: delineation of the syndromes;Nabbout;Epilepsia,2013

5. Acute encephalopathy with inflammation-mediated status epilepticus;Nabbout;Lancet Neurol,2011







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