Triggers, clinical manifestations and assessment of paediatric fixed drug eruptions: A systematic review of the literature


Mathieu Audrey12ORCID,de Grandmont Mathilde1,Fernandes Carolina Lucena1,Kechichian Elio1


1. Department of Dermatology Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Québec Canada

2. Department of Dermatology Université Laval Québec Québec Canada


AbstractFixed drug eruption (FDE) is a cutaneous drug reaction characterised by recurrent skin lesions occurring at the same site after each exposure to a causative agent. There is currently limited evidence in the paediatric population. The objective of this systematic review is to investigate the clinical features, causative agents and management of paediatric FDE. A systematic search of the English and French literature on paediatric FDE was conducted using the Medline and Embase databases. After full‐text article review, 92 articles were included, representing a total of 233 patients. Antibiotics were the most frequent triggering agents, mainly sulfonamides (65.0% of antibiotics). Systemic symptoms were rare, and most patients only received supportive therapy. One hundred and six patients (106) performed a test to confirm the causative agent. Of these, 72.6% had oral provocation tests (OPTs) and 28.3% had patch tests. The patient's age, presence of bullous lesions and mucosal lesions were similar between tested and untested patients. It did not seem to influence the decision to perform OPTs. Paediatric FDE is a non‐severe skin drug reaction. Antibiotics were the most reported triggering agents. Drug testing, including oral provocation test, was safely performed in the paediatric population.




Dermatology,Immunology and Allergy







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