Biobanking: International Norms


Knoppers Bartha Maria


While the socio-ethical and legal issues surrounding clinical genetics have long been the subject of international interest, the thorny questions of genetic research and biobanking are more recent. Add to this the fact that national guidelines and laws usually precede international policymaking, and the delay in international approaches is understandable. In that regard, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s 1997 Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights is unique in its prospective guidance on genetic research. Also, it is in the very nature of international normative instruments to be general, except on specific issues considered to be in the interest of humanity, such as research into human reproductive cloning or access to AIDS drugs.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Health Policy,General Medicine,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference72 articles.

1. 19. Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, supra note 15 (art. 16).

2. 68. Council of Europe, supra note 36.

3. 22. Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, supra note 15 (arts. 16 and 17).

4. 18. Council for International Organizations, supra note 14 (commentary on guideline 4).

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