The burden of alopecia areata: A scoping review focusing on quality of life, mental health and work productivity


Muntyanu Anastasiya1,Gabrielli Sofianne2ORCID,Donovan Jeffrey34,Gooderham Melinda5678,Guenther Lyn89,Hanna Sameh610,Lynde Charles6811,Prajapati Vimal H.612131415,Wiseman Marni1617ORCID,Netchiporouk Elena1


1. Division of Dermatology McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada

2. Faculty of Medicine McGill University Montreal Quebec Canada

3. Donovan Hair Clinic Whistler British Columbia Canada

4. Department of Dermatology University of British Columbia Vancouver British Columbia Canada

5. SKiN Centre for Dermatology Peterborough Ontario Canada

6. Probity Medical Research Inc. Waterloo Ontario Canada

7. Queen's University Kingston Ontario Canada

8. Division of Dermatology Western University London Ontario Canada

9. Guenther Research Inc. London Ontario Canada

10. Dermatology on Bloor Toronto Ontario Canada

11. Lynde Institute for Dermatology Markham Ontario Canada

12. Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine University of Calgary Calgary Alberta Canada

13. Sections of Community Pediatrics and Pediatric Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics University of Calgary Calgary Alberta Canada

14. Dermatology Research Institute Calgary Alberta Canada

15. Skin Health & Wellness Centre Calgary Alberta Canada

16. Section of Dermatology, Department of Medicine University of Manitoba Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

17. SKiNWISE Dermatology Winnipeg Manitoba Canada


AbstractAlopecia areata (AA) is a common inflammatory autoimmune disease of the hair which can have a significant negative impact on quality of life (QoL), mental health and productivity. The aim of this scoping review is to elucidate the burden of AA focusing on these three realms. Inclusion criteria included all original manuscripts with no restriction on study type or statistical method written in English (or having an English abstract). For QoL 40 articles were included, 85 for psychiatric comorbidities, and 9 for work/school absenteeism/presenteeism mostly consisting of cross‐sectional and observational cohort studies. QoL impairment was detected in over 75% of patients and up to one‐third reported extremely severe QoL impairments. Specific QoL dimensions with the greatest impact were embarrassment, social functioning, as well as shopping and/or housework. Cross‐sectional studies assessing the psychological burden of adult patients with AA found that the presence of signs of anxiety and/or depression ranged from 30% to 68% and affected all age groups. Rates of work absenteeism and unemployment were significantly higher in AA patients compared to healthy controls. Up to 62% reported making major life decisions including relationships, education and career based on their AA. Additionally, the extensive camouflage techniques and time lost from work led to a strong financial burden for patients and the numerous physician visits added to the healthcare costs. The overall impact of AA stretches much further than simply being an aesthetic concern and can negatively impact every part of an individual's life. An individualized approach and effective treatments will help reduce the psychosocial consequences and distress and return patients to their normal state of health.




Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

Reference146 articles.

1. Alopecia areata

2. Epidemiology and burden of alopecia areata: a systematic review;Villasante Fricke AC;Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol,2015

3. Alopecia Areata: an Update on Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management

4. The Changing Landscape of Alopecia Areata: The Therapeutic Paradigm

5. Alopecia areata update







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