What constitutes cerebral palsy in the twenty-first century?


Smithers-Sheedy Hayley123,Badawi Nadia1234,Blair Eve5,Cans Christine6,Himmelmann Kate7,Krägeloh-Mann Ingeborg8,McIntyre Sarah13,Slee Jennie9,Uldall Peter10,Watson Linda511,Wilson Meredith1213


1. Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute; Sydney NSW Australia

2. Sydney Medical School; University of Sydney; Sydney NSW Australia

3. School of Medicine; University of Notre Dame; Sydney NSW Australia

4. Grace Centre for Newborn Care; Children's Hospital at Westmead; Sydney NSW Australia

5. Centre for Child Health Research; University of Western Australia at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research; Perth WA Australia

6. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble; Grenoble Université; Grenoble France

7. Department of Pediatrics; Institute of Clinical Sciences; Queen Silvia Children's Hospital; Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg; Göteborg Sweden

8. Department of Paediatric Neurology; University Children's Hospital; Tübingen Germany

9. Genetic Services of Western Australia; King Edward Memorial Hospital; Subiaco WA Australia

10. Child Department; Righospitalet; Copenhagen University; Copenhagen Denmark

11. Department of Health Western Australia; Perth WA Australia

12. Department of Clinical Genetics; Children's Hospital at Westmead; Sydney NSW Australia

13. Disciplines of Genetics and Paediatrics and Child Health; University of Sydney; Sydney NSW Australia




Clinical Neurology,Developmental Neuroscience,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

Reference34 articles.

1. What constitutes cerebral palsy?;Badawi;Dev Med Child Neurol,1998

2. Abstracts of the third international cerebral palsy conference. 18-21 February 2009, Sydney, Australia;Boyd;Dev Med Child Neurol,2009

3. Cooling for newborns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy;Jacobs;Cochrane Database Syst Rev,2007

4. Smithers-Sheedy H McIntyre S Watson L Yeargin-Allsop M Blair E Cans C Report of the international survey of cerebral palsy registers and surveillance systems http://www.cpresearch.org.au/pdfs/Report-of-the-international-survey-of-cerebral-palsy-registers-and-surveillance-systems-2009.pdf








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