Effect of spermidine on long non‐coding RNAs MALAT1 in a rotenone induced‐rat model of Parkinson's disease


Badae Noha Mohamed1ORCID,Abdelmonsif Doaa A.2ORCID,Aly Rania Gaber3ORCID,Omar Amira M.4ORCID,Shoela Mai S.5ORCID,Omar Eman M.1ORCID


1. Department of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University Alexandria Egypt

2. Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University Alexandria Egypt

3. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University Alexandria Egypt

4. Department of Histology & Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University Alexandria Egypt

5. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University Alexandria Egypt


AbstractBackgroundSpermidine is a natural biologically active substance that has widespread influences on the body.ObjectiveThis study aims to enhance our understanding of the potential effect of spermidine on long non‐coding RNA MALAT1 and explore the underlying mechanism in the rotenone‐induced rat model of Parkinson's disease.MethodsRats were sacrificed after locomotor behavioral testing. Striatal tissues were used to assess the expression of MALAT1, oxidative stress markers, and autophagy markers.ResultsOur study found that treatment with spermidine for 2 weeks during the induction of the model significantly improved behavioral assessment, dopamine levels, and attenuated the histopathological changes that occurred in PD in comparison to the non‐treated group.ConclusionOur preliminary study supports the protective effect of spermidine on the activation of autophagy and its antioxidant properties. Part of the antioxidant activity is due to the inhibition of MALAT1. However, MALAT1 does not correlate with the spermidine‐induced autophagy pathway.




Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology








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