Comparing hs-CRP and MPO Biomarkers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Metabolic Syndrome Patients


Beautlin Abishkauf JenishORCID,Govindaraj AshokORCID,Devi DurgaORCID,Ilangovan GurubharathORCID,Lakshmi DivyaORCID


Cardiovascular disorders have been linked to myeloperoxidase, an enzyme generated from leukocytes. MPO creates an antibacterial system and has been many correlations between MPO, hs-CRP and cardiovascular disease. The present study has aimed to assess MPO, hs-CRP and subclinical atherosclerosis in metabolic syndrome patients by using FMD and CIMT parameters. 75 metabolic syndrome affected patients had defined as per the criteria of IDF (International Diabetes Federation) which had been in this study. In addition, ultrasound doppler had been employed for determining the carotid intima medial thickness for both right and left (left and right CIMT) and brachial artery FMD. By employing the Immunoassay MPO and hs-CRP ultrasensitive ELISA kit, the concentration of MPO and hs-CRP is measured. A positive link between MPO with CIMT right and left (r value of right CIMT=0.723, p <0.05 and left CIMT r=0.712, p<0.01), hs-CRP with CIMT right and left (r value of right CIMT=0.613, p<0.05and left CIMT r=0.64, p<0.01)and a significant inverse correlation between MPO with FMD (r= -0.319,p<0.05), hs-CRP with FMD (r= -0.304,p<0.01) in metabolic syndrome patients. Serum MPO and hs-CRP is positively linked with subclinical atherosclerosis in metabolic syndrome patients. According to this finding, understanding the mechanism behind the risk factors for cardiovascular disease can be aided by the development of new molecular markers for metabolic syndrome and subclinical atherosclerosis.


Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology


Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Microbiology,Biotechnology







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