Polycomb group protein gene silencing, non-coding RNA, stem cells, and cancerThis paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue, entitled The 30th Annual International Asilomar Chromatin and Chromosomes Conference, and has undergone the Journal's usual peer review process.


Gieni Randall S.1,Hendzel Michael J.1


1. Cross Cancer Institute and Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1Z2, Canada.


Epigenetic programming is an important facet of biology, controlling gene expression patterns and the choice between developmental pathways. The Polycomb group proteins (PcGs) silence gene expression, allowing cells to both acquire and maintain identity. PcG silencing is important for stemness, X chromosome inactivation (XCI), genomic imprinting, and the abnormally silenced genes in cancers. Stem and cancer cells commonly share gene expression patterns, regulatory mechanisms, and signalling pathways. Many microRNA species have oncogenic or tumor suppressor activity, and disruptions in these networks are common in cancer; however, long non-coding (nc)RNA species are also important. Many of these directly guide PcG deposition and gene silencing at the HOX locus, during XCI, and in examples of genomic imprinting. Since inappropriate HOX expression and loss of genomic imprinting are hallmarks of cancer, disruption of long ncRNA-mediated PcG silencing likely has a role in oncogenesis. Aberrant silencing of coding and non-coding loci is critical for both the genesis and progression of cancers. In addition, PcGs are commonly abnormally overexpressed years prior to cancer pathology, making early PcG targeted therapy an option to reverse tumor formation, someday replacing the blunt instrument of eradication in the cancer therapy arsenal.


Canadian Science Publishing


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry

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