
Pavlenkova O.S.,Kaskova L.F.,Amosova L.I.,Yanko N.V.,Sadovski M.O.


Currently, the distance learning format is of great relevance. The primary objective of this mode of education is to establish a secure learning and working environment for all participants in the educational process. Within the distance learning framework, material delivery can take on either an asynchronous approach (where students engage with the material independently, without direct teacher involvement) or a synchronous one (in real-time). Asynchronous formats encompass a range of tools and platforms such as Google tools, website creation (using appropriate platforms), educational platforms (New School, Matific), recordings of educational material (video lessons, video instructions), online tests (Google Forms, LearningApps, ClassTime), interactive whiteboards (Padlet), student project activities (Google Presentations), quizzes (Kahoot, myQuiz, Quiziz), and various other forms of interactive learning. Given the current circumstances and the unexpected shift to distance learning, teachers proactively engage in planning and creating chat spaces with students. Utilizing messengers streamlines communication, with chats serving as a platform for sharing homework updates, providing consultations to applicants, and conducting surveys – essentially, planning synchronous training. In the synchronous mode, various means are employed for presenting material. Video conferences, facilitated through platforms like Meet, Zoom, Discord, Skype, and FreeConferenceCall, are the most prevalent communication method in remote conditions. Meetings are arranged using pre-established links or QR codes. This format is versatile, extending its use to online discussions, voting, and consultations. Long and boring online lessons are not the best way to teach. Therefore, teachers should use and combine different teaching methods to help learners learn effectively. Modern methods, gadgets and programs make it possible to bring the level of online learning closer to live communication with students.


Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy


General Materials Science

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