Dipole-lattice nanoparticle resonances in finite arrays


Karimi Vahid,Babicheva Viktoriia E.ORCID


We investigate how the periodic lattices define the collective optical characteristics of the silicon and titanium nanoparticle arrays. We examine the effects of dipole lattice on the resonances of optical nanostructures, including those made of lossy materials, such as titanium. Our approach involves employing coupled-electric-magnetic-dipole calculations for finite-size arrays, as well as lattice sums for effectively infinite arrays. Our model shows that the convergence to the infinite-lattice limit is faster when the resonance is broad, requiring fewer array particles. Our approach differs from previous works by altering the lattice resonance through modifications in the array period. We observed that a higher number of nanoparticles is necessary to achieve convergence to the infinite-array limit. Additionally, we observe that the lattice resonances excited next to higher diffraction orders (such as second order) converge more quickly toward the ideal case of an infinite array than the lattice resonances related to the first diffraction order. This work reports on the significant advantages of using a periodic arrangement of lossy nanoparticles and the role of collective excitation in enhancing response from transition metals, such as titanium, nickel, tungsten, and so on. The periodic arrangement of nanoscatterers allows for the excitation of strong dipoles, boosting the performance of nanophotonic devices and sensors by improving the strength of localized resonances.


U.S. Department of Energy

University of New Mexico


Optica Publishing Group


Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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3. Multipole Mie Resonances in MXene-Antenna Arrays;The Journal of Physical Chemistry C;2023-08-30

4. Lattice resonances of lossy transition metal and metalloid antennas;MRS Advances;2023-04-10

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