Hypothalamic circuits and aging: keeping the circadian clock updated


Vázquez-Lizarraga Rosa1,Mendoza-Viveros Lucia123,Cid-Castro Carolina123,Ruiz-Montoya Sareni1,Carreño-Vázquez Erick1,Orozco-Solis Ricardo12ORCID


1. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica (INMEGEN), México City, México

2. Centro de Investigacíon sobre el Envejecimiento, Centro de Investigacíon y de Estudios Avanzados (CIE-CINVESTAV), México City, México

3. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM, México City, México


Over the past century, age-related diseases, such as cancer, type-2 diabetes, obesity, and mental illness, have shown a significant increase, negatively impacting overall quality of life. Studies on aged animal models have unveiled a progressive discoordination at multiple regulatory levels, including transcriptional, translational, and post-translational processes, resulting from cellular stress and circadian derangements. The circadian clock emerges as a key regulator, sustaining physiological homeostasis and promoting healthy aging through timely molecular coordination of pivotal cellular processes, such as stem-cell function, cellular stress responses, and inter-tissue communication, which become disrupted during aging. Given the crucial role of hypothalamic circuits in regulating organismal physiology, metabolic control, sleep homeostasis, and circadian rhythms, and their dependence on these processes, strategies aimed at enhancing hypothalamic and circadian function, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches, offer systemic benefits for healthy aging. Intranasal brain-directed drug administration represents a promising avenue for effectively targeting specific brain regions, like the hypothalamus, while reducing side effects associated with systemic drug delivery, thereby presenting new therapeutic possibilities for diverse age-related conditions.




Developmental Neuroscience








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