Clinical impact of a pleural unit in a tertiary level hospital


Enríquez Rodríguez Ana Isabel,García Clemente Marta,Ruíz Álvarez Inés,Hermida Valverde Tamara,Herrero Huertas Julia,Arias Guillén Miguel,Madrid Carbajal Claudia Janeth,García Alfonso Lucía,Ortiz Reyes Andres Mauricio,Moreda Bernardo Ariel,Pérez Martínez Liliana,Casán Clará Pere,López González Francisco Julián


Elsevier BV

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1. Interventional Pulmonology: Extending the Breadth of Thoracic Care;Annual Review of Medicine;2024-01-29

2. The Case for Specialist Pleural Services;Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology;2023-04

3. Impact of a Dedicated Pleural Clinic on Indwelling Pleural Catheter Related Outcomes;Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology;2022-10-04







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