On preprocessing techniques for bandlimited parametric loudspeakers


Tan Ee-Leng,Ji Peifeng,Gan Woon-Seng


Elsevier BV


Acoustics and Ultrasonics

Reference18 articles.

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1. Ultrasound-Based Directional Sound System via Double Sideband Amplitude Modulation;IEEE Sensors Journal;2023-08-01

2. Directional Suppression of Monotone Noises with A Parametric Array Loudspeaker;Applied Sciences;2023-06-06

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4. An optimization design of parametric array signal modulation algorithm based on NSGA-II and entropy weight TOPSIS;2023 4th Information Communication Technologies Conference (ICTC);2023-05-17

5. The Parametric Array Speaker: A Review;Conference Proceedings of 2022 2nd International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering;2023








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