Rupture of thoracic aorta caused by blunt trauma


Cowley R.A.,Turney S.Z.,Hankins J.R.,Rodriguez A.,Attar S.,Shankar B.S.


Elsevier BV


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Surgery

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1. Endovascular treatment of a traumatic thoracic pseudo-aneurysm in a pediatric patient: a case report with review of literature;Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery;2023-05-18

2. Current Perspectives of Interventional Radiology in Trauma;The High-risk Surgical Patient;2023

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5. TEVAR for traumatic thoracic injury with the first-generation stent graft;Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques;2021-03







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