Population-level impact and herd effects following the introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination programmes: updated systematic review and meta-analysis


Drolet Mélanie,Bénard Élodie,Pérez Norma,Brisson Marc,Ali Hammad,Boily Marie-Claude,Baldo Vincenzo,Brassard Paul,Brotherton Julia M L,Callander Denton,Checchi Marta,Chow Eric P F,Cocchio Silvia,Dalianis Tina,Deeks Shelley L,Dehlendorff Christian,Donovan Basil,Fairley Christopher K,Flagg Elaine W,Gargano Julia W,Garland Suzanne M,Grün Nathalie,Hansen Bo T,Harrison Christopher,Herweijer Eva,Imburgia Teresa M,Johnson Anne M,Kahn Jessica A,Kavanagh Kimberley,Kjaer Susanne K,Kliewer Erich V,Liu Bette,Machalek Dorothy A,Markowitz Lauri,Mesher David,Munk Christian,Niccolai Linda,Nygård Mari,Ogilvie Gina,Oliphant Jeannie,Pollock Kevin G,Purriños-Hermida Maria Jesús,Smith Megan A,Steben Marc,Söderlund-Strand Anna,Sonnenberg Pam,Sparen Pär,Tanton Clare,Wheeler Cosette M,Woestenberg Petra J,Yu Bo Nancy


Elsevier BV


General Medicine

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