Severe respiratory illness associated with a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the USA (2014): a descriptive epidemiological investigation


Midgley Claire M,Watson John T,Nix W Allan,Curns Aaron T,Rogers Shannon L,Brown Betty A,Conover Craig,Dominguez Samuel R,Feikin Daniel R,Gray Samantha,Hassan Ferdaus,Hoferka Stacey,Jackson Mary Anne,Johnson Daniel,Leshem Eyal,Miller Lisa,Nichols Janell Bezdek,Nyquist Ann-Christine,Obringer Emily,Patel Ajanta,Patel Megan,Rha Brian,Schneider Eileen,Schuster Jennifer E,Selvarangan Rangaraj,Seward Jane F,Turabelidze George,Oberste M Steven,Pallansch Mark A,Gerber Susan I


Elsevier BV


Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine

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