Prevalence of Menière's Disease in General Population of Southern Finland


Havia Mari1,Kentala Erna1,PyykkÖ Ilmari2


1. From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology

2. Helsinki University Hospital, and the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland.


OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of Menière's disease (MD) in the general population of Southern Finland. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective study based on population register data. A questionnaire was sent to 5000 randomly selected persons aged 12 years or more living in the Helsinki University Hospital area. We enquired about whether recipients had experienced vertigo associated with a moving sensation, hearing loss, or tinnitus. For exclusion purposes, we also asked about general illnesses, ear infections, former head and ear traumas, noise exposure, medication, and use of tobacco and alcohol. To assess the validity of the population-based study, we randomly selected a sample of 100 people among those reporting vertigo. They were clinically examined at our vestibular unit. The clinical examination was supplemented by audiologic and otoneurologic tests. RESULTS: The response rate was 63%. In the final study sample of 3116 people, 216 reported the triad of vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. By using the most recent criteria of the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, we were able to identify 16 definite MD patients from the total sample, yielding a prevalence of 513 of 100,000 persons. Among the 16 MD subjects, 9 patients had already been diagnosed with MD and 1 patient was diagnosed during the clinical examination. A peak prevalence of 1709 of 100,000 was seen in the age group 61 to 70 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our population-based estimate of MD prevalence is much higher than in previous reports.


SAGE Publications









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