Toxoplasmosis screening during pregnancy in France: Opinion of an expert panel for the CNGOF


Picone Olivier,Fuchs Florent,Benoist Guillaume,Binquet Christine,Kieffer François,Wallon Martine,Wehbe Karl,Mandelbrot Laurent,Villena Isabelle


Elsevier BV


Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Reproductive Medicine

Reference126 articles.

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1. Recent Trends in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis and Management;Rising Contagious Diseases;2024-01-05

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3. Antenatal Screening for Toxoplasmosis and Rubella in Saudi Arabia: Assessing the Need for Screening;Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;2023-12

4. Neglected Bacterial and Parasitic Zoonoses of Tropical Countries;Current Topics in Zoonoses [Working Title];2023-11-07

5. Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii, CMV, and Rubella Seropositivity and Avidity Tests in the First Trimester of Pregnancy: Why to Test?;Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research;2023-10-25







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