Longitudinal characteristics of lymphocyte responses and cytokine profiles in the peripheral blood of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients


Liu Jing,Li Sumeng,Liu Jia,Liang Boyun,Wang Xiaobei,Wang Hua,Li Wei,Tong Qiaoxia,Yi Jianhua,Zhao Lei,Xiong Lijuan,Guo Chunxia,Tian Jin,Luo Jinzhuo,Yao Jinghong,Pang Ran,Shen Hui,Peng Cheng,Liu Ting,Zhang Qian,Wu Jun,Xu Ling,Lu Sihong,Wang Baoju,Weng Zhihong,Han Chunrong,Zhu Huabing,Zhou Ruxia,Zhou Helong,Chen Xiliu,Ye Pian,Zhu Bin,Wang Lu,Zhou Wenqing,He Shengsong,He Yongwen,Jie Shenghua,Wei Ping,Zhang Jianao,Lu Yinping,Wang Weixian,Zhang Li,Li Ling,Zhou Fengqin,Wang Jun,Dittmer Ulf,Lu Mengji,Hu Yu,Yang Dongliang,Zheng Xin


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities


Elsevier BV


General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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