Frequency of the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia: a cross-sectional study


Majounie Elisa,Renton Alan E,Mok Kin,Dopper Elise GP,Waite Adrian,Rollinson Sara,Chiò Adriano,Restagno Gabriella,Nicolaou Nayia,Simon-Sanchez Javier,van Swieten John C,Abramzon Yevgeniya,Johnson Janel O,Sendtner Michael,Pamphlett Roger,Orrell Richard W,Mead Simon,Sidle Katie C,Houlden Henry,Rohrer Jonathan D,Morrison Karen E,Pall Hardev,Talbot Kevin,Ansorge Olaf,Hernandez Dena G,Arepalli Sampath,Sabatelli Mario,Mora Gabriele,Corbo Massimo,Giannini Fabio,Calvo Andrea,Englund Elisabet,Borghero Giuseppe,Floris Gian Luca,Remes Anne M,Laaksovirta Hannu,McCluskey Leo,Trojanowski John Q,Van Deerlin Vivianna M,Schellenberg Gerard D,Nalls Michael A,Drory Vivian E,Lu Chin-Song,Yeh Tu-Hsueh,Ishiura Hiroyuki,Takahashi Yuji,Tsuji Shoji,Le Ber Isabelle,Brice Alexis,Drepper Carsten,Williams Nigel,Kirby Janine,Shaw Pamela,Hardy John,Tienari Pentti J,Heutink Peter,Morris Huw R,Pickering-Brown Stuart,Traynor Bryan J


Packard Center for ALS Research at Hopkins (BJT), the ALS Association (BJT, ACh), Microsoft Research (BJT, PJT), AriSLA (BJT, ACh, MSa), Hersenstichting Nederland Fellowship project B08.03 and the Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam (JS-S), Nuts Ohra Fonds (JvS), Stichting Dioraphte

UK Motor Neurone Disease Association

The Medical Research Council UK (JH, HH, SP-B), the Wellcome Trust

the French Agency for Research (ANR-08-MNPS-009-01; AB and ILB), France Alzheimer–Union Nationale des Associations Alzheimer (ILB) and Institut de France Subvention de la Fondation Thierry et Annick DESMAREST (ILB), and the European Community's Health Seventh Framework Programme

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

National Health and Medical Research Council


Elsevier BV


Neurology (clinical)







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