Prosociality and religion


Tsang Jo-Ann,Al-Kire Rosemary LORCID,Ratchford Juliette LORCID


Elsevier BV


General Psychology

Reference74 articles.

1. By reverence, not fear: prestige, religion, and autonomic regulation in the evolution of cooperation;Lenfesty;Front Psychol,2019

2. Religion, spirituality, and altruism;Saroglou,2013

3. Good without God? Connecting religiosity, affiliation and pro-sociality using world values survey data and agent-based simulation;Gore;SocArXiv,2019

4. Relationships between religion, risk behaviors and prosociality among secondary school students in Peru and El Salvador;Moulin-Stożek;J Moral Educ,2018

5. Religious residue: Cross-cultural evidence that religious psychology and behavior persist following deidentification;Van Tongeren;J Pers Soc Psychol,2020

Cited by 14 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Religion and cooperation across the globe;Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization;2023-11

2. Coping strategies and belief in COVID‐19 conspiracy theories;British Journal of Social Psychology;2023-09-05

3. Religious Service Attendance and Religious and Secular Organizational Engagement in the United Kingdom;Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion;2023-08-31

4. Writing About Gratitude Toward God Produces Differential Content and Outcomes Compared to Gratitude Toward Other Benefactors Among U.S. Adults;The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion;2023-03-30

5. Monetized Religion in the Public Church;Journal of Empirical Theology;2023-03-03







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