Becker–Blaschke problem of space


Bernard Julien


Elsevier BV


History and Philosophy of Science,General Physics and Astronomy,History

Reference74 articles.

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3. Becker, O. (1923). Beiträge zur phänomenologischen Begründung der Geometrie und ihrer physikalischen Anwendung. In Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung (Vol. IV). New edition as monograph by Niemeyer (1973).

4. Becker, O. (1970). Contributions toward the phenomenological foundation of geometry and its physical applications. In J. Kocklemans & T. Kisiel (Eds.), Phenomenology and the natural sciences (pp. 117–143).

5. Bernard, J. (2013). L'idéalisme dans l'in “nitésimal [Idealism in the In”nitesimal, Weyl and Space at the Time of Relativity]. Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest.

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1. Schlick, Weyl, Husserl: On Scientific Philosophy;Logic, Epistemology, and Scientific Theories - From Peano to the Vienna Circle;2023

2. From the Problem of Space to the Epistemology of Science: Hermann Weyl’s Reflection on the Dimensionality of the World;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science;2019

3. The Plasticine Ball Argument;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science;2019

4. Weyl’s Philosophy of Physics: From Apriorism to Holism (1918-1927);Philosophia Scientae;2018-06-21

5. Riemann's and Helmholtz-Lie's problems of space from Weyl's relativistic perspective;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics;2018-02







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