Pelvic support defects and visceral and sexual function in women treated with sacrospinous ligament suspension and pelvic reconstruction


Paraiso Marie Fidela R.,Ballard Lester A.,Walters Mark D.,Lee Jar Chi,Mitchinson Allison R.


Elsevier BV


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Reference22 articles.

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1. Vaginal axis on MRI after laparoscopic pectopexy surgery: a controlled study;2023-09-21

2. Female Sexual Dysfunction;Female Genitourinary and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction;2023

3. Role of Vaginal Hysterectomy in the Treatment of Vaginal Middle Compartment Prolapse;Female Genitourinary and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction;2023

4. Role of Vaginal Hysterectomy in the Treatment of Vaginal Middle Compartment Prolapse;Female Genitourinary and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction;2023

5. Female Sexual Dysfunction;Female Genitourinary and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction;2023







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