Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Assessment of Biomaterials


Sukumaran Anil,K. Sweety Vishnupriya,Vikas Biba,Joseph Betsy


Biocompatibility testing is essential for medical devices and pharmaceutical agents, regardless of their mechanical, physical, and chemical properties. These tests assess cytotoxic effects and acute systemic toxicity to ensure safety and effectiveness before clinical use. Cell viability, indicating the number of healthy cells in a sample, is determined through various assays that measure live-to-dead cell ratios. Cytotoxicity measures a substance’s potential for cell damage or death, and is evaluated through numerous assay methods based on different cell functions. Ensuring biocompatibility is crucial for the successful integration of medical devices and pharmaceuticals into clinical practice. As part of the evaluation process, researchers utilize a range of cell viability assays and cytotoxicity tests to assess the potential impact of these products on living cells. The results of these tests inform the optimization of cell culture conditions and drug candidates, as well as guide the development of safer, more effective medical devices. By thoroughly examining the interactions between devices, drugs, and biological systems, researchers aim to minimize the risk of adverse reactions and improve patient outcomes.









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