Sexual Abuse in Childhood: Emerging Syndromes in Adulthood


Quiroga-Garza Angélica,José Almela-Ojeda María


The high prevalence in Mexico of both child sexual abuse and emerging psychopathological syndromes in adulthood, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder, self-injurious behavior, and suicide, makes it necessary to investigate in greater depth the relationship between these circumstances. The findings on the incidence in Mexico and the interaction of these variables would make it possible to propose public policies with scientific support for the protection of children and to design intervention programs for adult victims of child abuse at risk due to psychopathological symptoms. To understand the interaction of child abuse events and adult emerging syndromes in the Mexican population, we conducted quantitative, correlational-comparative research. The findings have implications for clinical and social practice. It is necessary to continue working with families, carrying out preventive measures for all forms of domestic violence (physical, sexual, economic, negligence) that cause intentional harm to the children who suffer it, and its consequences remain until adult life.



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