Advances in male infertility treatment through Assisted Reproductive Technology


Javed Murid,L. Tan Seang


Male infertility is responsible for 40–50% of human infertility. Earlier treatment options for male factor infertility included timed intercourse, intrauterine insemination, or in vitro fertilization. These techniques are not helpful in severe male factor infertility cases as either the sperm number is extremely low or sperm motility is very poor. The introduction of intracytoplasmic sperm injection has opened the door for numerous advancements as only one sperm is needed for one egg. It has enabled men with few or no sperm in their ejaculates to have their own offspring. Surgical sperm retrieval techniques, with or without the help of a microscope, have been invented to retrieve sperm from the epididymis or testicular tissue. The clinical outcomes after the utilization of these techniques are similar to those obtained after the use of ejaculated sperm. Preimplantation genetic tests are now available to detect chromosomal aneuploidies, single gene defects, or chromosomal structural rearrangements in embryos created by using normal or defective sperm or eggs. This chapter explains in a comprehensible way, the basic and the more advanced assisted reproductive technologies to treat male factor infertility.









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