Characteristics of Pathogenetic Links in Vascular Remodeling and Bone Tissue Destruction in Postmenopausal Women with Arterial Hypertension


Petelina Tatiana,Avdeeva Ksenia,Bykova Svetlana,Musikhina Natalia,Gapon Liydmila,Gorbatenko Elena,Shcherbinina Anastasiya


The role of nonspecific immune inflammatory vascular response as a link in general pathogenetic mechanisms with change in the elastic properties of the arteries and phenomena of destructive bone changes has attracted great attention. We examined 104 patients (mean age 54.03 ± 9.56) who were divided into three groups: healthy women, with arterial hypertension (AH) and osteopenia and with AH and osteoporosis. The immune inflammatory response markers, endothelial dysfunction, and hormonal and mineral-vitamin status were analyzed simultaneously with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, parameters of vascular wall stiffness, and densitometry to clarify the predictors of cardiovascular and degenerative bone changes in postmenopausal women. For patients with AH and osteopenia, significant parameter associated with the risk of osteoporosis was pulse wave velocity; increase of which exceeded 12.05 m/s was associated with increased risk of osteoporosis by 3.8 times. The levels of pro-inflammatory parameters, interleukin (IL) 6 and 8, tumor necrosis factor-α, high-sensitivity С-reactive protein, and parathyroid hormone were increased and the levels of progesterone and IL-10 were decreased. Timely specialized multidirectional studies of biochemical and instrumental parameters (pulse wave velocity and densitometry) can be the basis for the development of personalized prevention and treatment strategy for women to prevent dangerous cardiovascular and bone complications.









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