The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Suicidal Behavior


Hocaoglu Cicek


The new type of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which has affected the whole world and resulted in many people’s death, has also had negative effects on mental health. The measures, restrictions, and quarantine practices taken to control the pandemic have caused psychological, social, and economic problems. In studies conducted to date, it has been stated that anxiety symptoms, depression, severe adaptation, and sleep disorders are observed in people who have lost their relatives due to COVID-19, who were treated with the diagnosis of COVID-19, or who were exposed to intense information pollution related to the pandemic. It is also known that a large number of people lost their jobs due to the pandemic, and unemployment rates increased in countries. Economies and health systems of many countries are under this significant burden. In addition to the increase in the incidence of mental symptoms and disorders associated with COVID-19, growing socioeconomic problems pose a risk for suicide. In studies on the subject, attention is drawn to the rate of suicide that will increase during and after the pandemic, and warnings are given about taking precautions. In this section, the effects of COVID-19 on suicidal behavior will be discussed in light of findings in the literature.



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1. Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19: Stigma and Xenophobia;Psychosocial, Educational, and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 [Working Title];2021-12-17







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