The Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Lung Cancer


Batihan Güntuğ,Can Ceylan Kenan


Lobectomy plus regional lymph node dissection remains the gold standard treatment method in early-stage lung cancer. However, with the demonstration of the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive approaches, the expression of surgery in this statement, replaced by thoracoscopic anatomical lung resection. Clinical studies have demonstrated the superiority of VATS in terms of postoperative pain, drainage time, length of hospital stay, and complications, moreover, long-term oncologic results are similar or better than thoracotomy. Therefore, VATS lobectomy is the preferred surgical method in early-stage lung cancer. Different surgical techniques are available in VATS and can be modified according to the surgeon’s personal experience. Uniport can be applied as well as two or three port incisions. In this book section, I plan to focus on VATS lobectomy, technique-related tricks, complication management, and long-term oncologic results in early and locally advanced lung cancer.



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