Prevalent Orthopedic Injuries in Recreational Athletes after SARS-COV2 Lockdown: An Orthopedic Surgeon’s Point of View in Order to Help Sport’s Physicians Daily Practice


Alonso Martínez Stenger Rodrigo


The conditions of compulsory social isolation in the course of 2020 due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV2) have forced even the most active individual to reduce their level of training and/or acquire sedentary habits. The effects of confinement have caused disarrangement, reflected in the loss of physical fitness because of lack of or decrease in training and changes in diet and healthy lifestyle. It has also caused modifications in psychosocial plane. This review analyzes the most frequently seen orthopedic injuries in recreational sports athletes after lockdown: muscle injuries, tendinopathies, acute or stress fractures, medial tibial stress syndrome, sprains, dislocations, and fasciitis.



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