Radiological terrorism - an imminent threat? Possible forms of attack and medical provision for the population in case of an attack.


Zahariev Vili,Hristov Nikolai


The chapter “Introduction” defines terrorism as a phenomenon in the modern world. Introduced are the concepts of terrorism, radiological terrorism, mass fear, radiophobia, radiation accidents, and the possibilities for successful diagnostics and treatment in radiation accidents. The chapter “Possible Scenarios” describes the possible scenarios for deliberately exposing large groups to ionizing radiation, namely the detonation of nuclear warheads, an explosion in a nuclear installation or nuclear waste depot, a dirty bomb, the contamination of foods or waters, a source of ionizing radiation with high activity for contaminating a relatively small group of people with high doses. The chapter “Analysis of preceding radiological incidents” provides a quick historical recap of relevant incidents. The chapter “Health Consequences” focuses on the historical experience of radiation accidents in the past in terms of health consequences for the population and the adequateness of the reaction of medical personnel. The chapter “Psychological Effects” focuses on the disproportionate burden imposed by the psychological effects of radiation accidents – technogenic or man-made. The chapter “Medical Provision” focuses entirely on the clinical practice and public health background of radiation accidents.



Reference91 articles.

1. Aron R. Peace & War. A Theory of International Relations. New Brunswick, and London: Transaction Books; 2003 (French original published in 1962: Paix et guerre entre les nations, Paris: Calmann-Lévy)

2. ICRP Publication 96. Protecting People against Radiation Exposure in the Event of a Radiological Attac. 2005; 1-51

3. NCRP Report No. 165. Responding to a Radiological or Nuclear Terrorism Incident: A Guide for Decision Makers. 2010; 1-202

4. Steinhausler F. Chernobyl and Goiania: Lessons for responding to radiological terrorism. Health Physics. 2005;(5):566-574

5. United States Department of Homeland Security. Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans. Washington, DC; 2023







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