
Priima E. N.ORCID, ,Bushmanova A. D.ORCID,Novak K. E.ORCID,Esaulenko E. V.ORCID, , , , ,


Background. Currently, etiotropic therapy of hepatitis B in most cases is carried out using nucleot(s)ide analogues. The ultimate goal of the therapy depends on the period of its administration – in acute or chronic hepatitis. The influence of the molecular genetic profile of the hepatitis B virus on the effectiveness of therapy in both acute and chronic forms of the disease has not yet been established, which requires further research. Objective. To assess the possibilities of modern etiotropic therapy in acute and chronic forms of hepatitis B. Material and methods. The article analyzes the indicators of clinical, laboratory and instrumental data of patients who received etiotropic therapy with nucleot(s)ide analogues. Results. Etiotropic therapy resulted in a viral load decrease to an undetectable level in all patients regardless of the course of hepatitis B and infection with either a "mutant" or "wild" virus strain. In acute hepatitis B, HBV DNA was not detected in 100% of cases after 24 weeks of therapy, in HBsAg seroconversion - after 36 weeks; in chronic hepatitis B - after 36 weeks without HBsAg seroconversion. Six months after the completion of the treatment, the patients with chronic hepatitis B developed relapse in 89.7% of cases, but the viral load was less than 2000 IU / ml, and the severity of liver fibrosis was insignificant. In the rest of the cases, resumption of therapy was required. Conclusions. It was found that mutations of the hepatitis B virus do not affect the effectiveness of etiotropic therapy. The rate of viral load decrease correlates with the form of hepatitis B and is significantly higher in acute disease.


Grodno State Medical University


Pharmacology (medical)

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