Atherogenic Lipids and Endothelial Dysfunction: Mechanisms in the Genesis of Ischemic Syndromes


Adams Mark R.1,Kinlay Scott1,Blake Gavin J.1,Orford James L.1,Ganz Peter1,Selwyn Andrew P.1


1. Department of Cardiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis Street, Boston Massachusetts, 02115,


▪ Abstract  Atherogenic lipids, particularly oxidized low-density lipoprotein, are responsible for a wide range of cellular dysfunctions within the vessel wall. The effects on endothelial cells disrupt normal control of vasomotion, with a reduction of effective nitric oxide activity, the development of a procoagulant surface, chronic low-grade inflammation, and abnormal cell growth. These changes are central not only in the development of atherosclerosis but also in the evolution of both stable and unstable ischemic syndromes. There is growing evidence that these abnormal changes in cell function respond rapidly to changes in the atherogenic lipids. Certain cell functions can improve within hours or days of cholesterol lowering.


Annual Reviews


General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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