Flooding Stress: Acclimations and Genetic Diversity


Bailey-Serres J.1,Voesenek L.A.C.J.2


1. Center for Plant Cell Biology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521;

2. Plant Ecophysiology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, NL-3584 CA Utrecht, The Netherlands


Flooding is an environmental stress for many natural and man-made ecosystems worldwide. Genetic diversity in the plant response to flooding includes alterations in architecture, metabolism, and elongation growth associated with a low O2 escape strategy and an antithetical quiescence scheme that allows endurance of prolonged submergence. Flooding is frequently accompanied with a reduction of cellular O2 content that is particularly severe when photosynthesis is limited or absent. This necessitates the production of ATP and regeneration of NAD+ through anaerobic respiration. The examination of gene regulation and function in model systems provides insight into low-O2-sensing mechanisms and metabolic adjustments associated with controlled use of carbohydrate and ATP. At the developmental level, plants can escape the low-O2 stress caused by flooding through multifaceted alterations in cellular and organ structure that promote access to and diffusion of O2. These processes are driven by phytohormones, including ethylene, gibberellin, and abscisic acid. This exploration of natural variation in strategies that improve O2 and carbohydrate status during flooding provides valuable resources for the improvement of crop endurance of an environmental adversity that is enhanced by global warming.


Annual Reviews


Cell Biology,Plant Science,Molecular Biology,Physiology








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