Infrared Characterization of Nuclei Isolated from Normal and Leukemic (B-CLL) Lymphocytes: Part III


Benedetti Enzo,Palatresi Maria Pia,Vergamini Piergiorgio,Papineschi Federico,Andreucci Maria Cristina,Spremolla Giuliano


Nuclei extracted from lymphocytes coming from normal subjects and from patients affected by chronic lymphatic leukemia (B-CLL) were studied by means of infrared spectroscopy. Substantial spectral differences were found above all in the region of the phosphate-group vibrations of DNA. The ratios of the integrated areas of the bands at 1080 and 1540 cm−1, due to the symmetrical stretching vibrations of PO2 groups and to proteic components, respectively, assume increasing values, which are localized in quite separate ranges, for normal lymphocytes, leukemic lymphocytes, normal nuclei, and leukemic nuclei. These values, indicating a different distribution of DNA and of proteic components between normal and leukemic cells and between normal and leukemic nuclei, may assume a remarkable significance in the precocious diagnosis of leukemia (B-CLL) and in following the course of the disease. In the case of leukemic nuclei, the ratio, in weight, of the two components reaches the value of 1:1.


SAGE Publications



Reference10 articles.

1. Synthesis and Metabolism of DNA and DNA Precursors by Human Normal and Leukemic Leukocytes

2. Regulation of Deoxyribonucleotide Synthesis by Ribonucleotide Reductase in Leukemic Leukocytes

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