Oxidative stress and obesity


Malenica Maja,Meseldžić Neven


Obesity is a disease of excessive accumulation of adipose tissue due to an increased energy intake which is disproportionate to the energy expenditure in the body. The visceral adipose tissue in the obese accumulated in that way increases the risk of developing a number of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Disorders such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and mitochondria can contribute to the development of oxidative stress, which is especially pronounced in the abdominal type of obesity. Obesity can induce systemic oxidative stress through a variety of biochemical mechanisms. Although ROS is generated in a large number of cells, mitochondria play a significant role in their intracellular production through the process of oxidative phosphorylation of the respiratory chain, and in fatty acid oxidation reactions. Oxidative stress is a unique link between the various molecular disorders present in the development of insulin resistance that plays a key role in the pathogenesis and progression of chronic metabolic, proinflammatory diseases. The progression of insulin resistance is also affected by inflammation. Both of these can be the cause and the consequence of obesity. The synthesis of the inflammatory mediators is induced by oxidative stress, thus bringing the inflammation and the oxidative stress into a very significant relation. This review aims to highlight recent findings on the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of obesity, with special reference to the mechanisms that explain its occurrence.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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