Bilateral Dimorphism of the Auricles in 18–20-year-old Girls


Volosnik A. S.1ORCID


1. Saint Luka Lugansk State Medical University


The aim of the study was to identify somatotypological features of linear parameters and bilateral dimorphism of the auricles in 18–20-year-old girls. Material and methods. The study included 140 girls aged 18–20 permanently living on the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic. They were exposed to somatotyping and cephalotyping. During auriculometry, 20 linear dimensions of each auricle were measured. The results obtained were processed using ANOVA and MANOVA and correlation analyses. The index of bilateral dimorphism of auriculometry parameters was determined. Differences in mean values were considered statistically significant at p<0,05. Results. As revealed, the auriculometric parameters of the left auricle exceeded those of the auricle of the contralateral side. Average value of the physiognomic length of the left auricle (n=140) was 61,40 mm, that was 3,55% (p<0,001) bigger than the corresponding parameter of the right auricle. In addition, the maximum index value of bilateral dimorphism (0,069) was registered during the analysis of the height of the tragus. In girls with normosthenic body type (n=69), the morphological width of the left auricle and its height also significantly exceeded the corresponding values of the auricle of the opposite side by 4,12% (p=0,017) and 5,56% (p<0,001), respectively. Variance analysis of the results obtained indicates that the somatotype of women, largely than the cephalotype, affects the variability of the auriculometric parameters. Correlation analysis of the findings allowed identifying predominantly statistically significant positive correlations of varying degrees between the studied parameters. The closest correlation (r>0,90) was determined between the physiognomic length and the length of the cartilaginous part, and between the physiognomic length and height of both the right and left auricles. Conclusion. The data obtained relating the constitutional features of the auricular structure in girls aged 18–20 are of practical significance to study the external ear intravitally, and to optimise surgical options for the auricle shape correction.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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