Detection of Parkinson’s Disease in Alzheimer’s Patients Utilizing Brain Imaging


Bhatia Madhulika,Kaur Amrinder,Bhatia Shaveta,Mridula ,Dwivedi Pallavi


Patients with Alzheimer's infection (AD) and Parkinson's sickness (PD) regularly have cover in clinical show and cognitive neuropathology proposing that these two illnesses share basic fundamental instruments. Parkinson sickness emerges from diminished dopamine creation in the mind. Patients with these two illnesses often cover in clinical introduction and cerebrum neuropathology proposing that they share basic common fundamental systems. Therefore, it become important two find the presence of common affected brain region of interest. The paper proposes the technique to find out the relation between the common affected brain areas. The work with in carried in-depth analysis of brain functional MRI scans using statistical parametric mapping on both AD, PD patients (n=35), which comprises of 5 healthy participants with average age 83, 5 AD participants with average age 75, Early mild cognitive impairment (EMCI) participants whose average age is 65, Late mild cognitive impairment (EMCI) participants whose average age is 75 and PD participants with average age of 64. Using a two sample t-test the ROI (region of interest) was noted using MarsBar plugin of SPM tool.


International Information and Engineering Technology Association


Electrical and Electronic Engineering







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