Translational longevity medicine: a Swiss perspective in an ageing country


Ruckstuhl Marco M.,Bischof Evelyne,Blatch Dana,Buhayer Aliki,Goldhahn Jörg,Battegay Edouard,Tichelli Andre,Ewald Collin Y.


Breakthroughs in medical research in the last century have led to a significant extension of the human lifespan, resulting in a shift towards an elderly population worldwide. Due to the ongoing progress of global development towards elevated standards of living, this study specifically examines Switzerland as a representative nation to explore the socioeconomic and healthcare ramifications associated with an ageing population, thereby highlighting the tangible impact experienced in this context. Beyond the exhaustion of pension funds and medical budgets, by reviewing the literature and analysing publicly available data, we observe a “Swiss Japanification”. Old age is associated with late-life comorbidities and an increasing proportion of time spent in poor health. To address these problems, a paradigm shift in medical practice is needed to improve health rather than respond to existing diseases. Basic ageing research is gaining momentum to be translated into therapeutic interventions and provides machine learning tools driving longevity medicine. We propose that research focus on closing the translational gap between the molecular mechanisms of ageing and a more prevention-based medicine, which would help people age better and prevent late-life chronic diseases.


SMW Supporting Association


General Medicine

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