International Association of Athletics Federations Consensus Statement 2019: Nutrition for Athletics


Burke Louise M.12,Castell Linda M.3,Casa Douglas J.4,Close Graeme L.5,Costa Ricardo J. S.6,Desbrow Ben7,Halson Shona L.2,Lis Dana M.8,Melin Anna K.9,Peeling Peter10,Saunders Philo U.111,Slater Gary J.112,Sygo Jennifer13,Witard Oliver C.14,Bermon Stéphane1516,Stellingwerff Trent1718


1. 1Australian Institute of Sport

2. 2Australian Catholic University

3. 3University of Oxford

4. 4University of Connecticut

5. 5Liverpool John Moores University

6. 6Monash University

7. 7Griffith University

8. 8University of California Davis

9. 9Linnaeus University

10. 10The University of Western Australia

11. 11University of Canberra

12. 12University of the Sunshine Coast

13. 13Athletics Canada

14. 14University of Stirling

15. 15International Association of Athletics Federations

16. 16Université Côte d’Azur

17. 17Canadian Sport Institute – Pacific, Athletics Canada

18. 18University of Victoria


The International Association of Athletics Federations recognizes the importance of nutritional practices in optimizing an Athlete’s well-being and performance. Although Athletics encompasses a diverse range of track-and-field events with different performance determinants, there are common goals around nutritional support for adaptation to training, optimal performance for key events, and reducing the risk of injury and illness. Periodized guidelines can be provided for the appropriate type, amount, and timing of intake of food and fluids to promote optimal health and performance across different scenarios of training and competition. Some Athletes are at risk of relative energy deficiency in sport arising from a mismatch between energy intake and exercise energy expenditure. Competition nutrition strategies may involve pre-event, within-event, and between-event eating to address requirements for carbohydrate and fluid replacement. Although a “food first” policy should underpin an Athlete’s nutrition plan, there may be occasions for the judicious use of medical supplements to address nutrient deficiencies or sports foods that help the athlete to meet nutritional goals when it is impractical to eat food. Evidence-based supplements include caffeine, bicarbonate, beta-alanine, nitrate, and creatine; however, their value is specific to the characteristics of the event. Special considerations are needed for travel, challenging environments (e.g., heat and altitude); special populations (e.g., females, young and masters athletes); and restricted dietary choice (e.g., vegetarian). Ideally, each Athlete should develop a personalized, periodized, and practical nutrition plan via collaboration with their coach and accredited sports nutrition experts, to optimize their performance.


Human Kinetics


Nutrition and Dietetics,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,General Medicine,Medicine (miscellaneous)







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