Studying functional and technological properties of dried food product “KalmaKS” made from Commander squid’s skin


Blagonravova Maya Vladimirovna1,Volkov Vladimir Semyonovich1,Samokhin Alexander Viktorovich1


1. Kamchatka State Technical University


The article presents the results of studying the functional and technological properties of the dried product “KalmaKS” made from the skin of Commander squid. Technological properties such as water-retaining capacity (WRC), fat-binding capacity (FBC), fat-emulsifying capacity (FEC), critical gel concentration (CGC), foaming capacity (FC), foam stability (FS), and protein solubility in water have been analyzed as well. The determination of WRC, FBC and FEC has been carried out at different temperatures of the system “KalmaKS – water”: 25 ± 2 and 75 ± 2 °C. It has been ascertained that the product from squid’s skin has a high WRC, reaching 162% at a temperature of 25 °C, it has also been proven that “KalmaKS” binds water significantly better when the temperature rises to 75 °C. The research has shown high values of “KalmaKS’s” FBC (110%); it has been found out that an increase in temperature leads to an increase of this index to a level of 210%. The product made from squid’s skin has a fairly high (44.5%) FEC, slightly increasing with increasing temperature (up to 53%). High indices of CGC (30%) and FS (80%), low values of FC (3%), as well as high indicators of protein solubility (44.5%) have been ascertained. There has been made the conclusion about the possibility of using the product from squid’s skin, “KalmaKS”, in the production of food produce as a structure regulator with water-retaining, fat-binding and gel-forming properties.


Astrakhan State Technical University


General Medicine

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