Variables Associated With Resolution and Persistence of Ovarian Cysts


Lasher Anne,Harris Lauren E.,Solomon Angelica L.,Harbin Laura M.,Raby Lauren,Dietrich Charles S.,Kryscio Richard J.,van Nagell John R.,Pavlik Edward J.


OBJECTIVE: To estimate surveillance intervals of incident ovarian cysts, and describe variables associated with cyst resolution times. METHODS: The UK-OCST (University of Kentucky Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial) was a prospective cohort that enrolled 47,762 individuals over 30 years, including 2,638 individuals with incident cysts. Cyst diameter and structure and patient age, body mass index, use of hormone therapy (HT), family history of ovarian cancer, and menopausal status were examined as variables associated with cyst resolution using t tests, χ2 test, Kaplan Meier, and Cox multiple regression. RESULTS: Of 2,638 individuals with incident cysts, 1,667 experienced resolution (63.2%) within 1.2 years, and 971 experienced persistence (36.8%). Within 1 year, unilocular and septated cysts had similar resolution rates (35.4% and 36.7%, respectively, P>.05), but time to resolution was shorter for unilocular cysts compared with septated cysts (mean 1.89 years vs 2.58 years, respectively, P<.001). Both unilocular and septated cysts smaller than 3 cm resolved faster than cysts larger than 6 cm (P<.001). Variables associated with percent resolution included being of younger age, premenopausal status (but not for synchronous bilateral cysts), and those reporting a family history of ovarian cancer (P<.05). Variables associated with a faster cyst resolution rate included being older than age 70 years and not using hormone therapy. Body mass index and family history were not associated with cyst resolution time. CONCLUSION: Different surveillance times may be appropriate depending on cyst structure and size and patient age and HT use. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:, NCT04473833.


Kentucky Department of Health and Human Services

Telford Foundation


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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1. When Less Is More;Obstetrics & Gynecology;2023-12







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