Amino acid kinetics in the critically ill


Deutz Nicolaas E.P.1,Haines Krista L.2,Wischmeier Paul E.2,Engelen Mariëlle P.K.J.1


1. Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

2. Division of Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery, Department of Surgery, Duke University Hospital, USA


Purpose of review Stable isotope methods have been used for many years to assess whole body protein and amino acid kinetics in critically ill patients. In recent years, new isotope approaches and tracer insights have been developed. The tracer pulse approach has some advantages above the established primed-continuous tracer infusion approach because of the high amount of metabolic information obtained, easy applicability, and low tracer costs. Effects of disease severity and sex on amino acid kinetics in ICU patients will also be addressed. Recent findings Current knowledge was synthesized on specific perturbations in amino acid metabolism in critically ill patients, employing novel methodologies such as the pulse tracer approach and computational modeling. Variations were evaluated in amino acid production and linked to severity of critical illness, as measured by SOFA score, and sex. Production of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), glutamine, tau-methylhistidine and hydroxyproline were elevated in critical illness, likely related to increased transamination of the individual BCAAs or increased breakdown of proteins. Citrulline production was reduced, indicative of impaired gut mucosa function. Sex and disease severity independently influenced amino acid kinetics in ICU patients. Summary Novel tracer and computational approaches have been developed to simultaneously measure postabsorptive kinetics of multiple amino acids that can be used in critical illness. The collective findings lay the groundwork for targeted individualized nutritional strategies in ICU settings aimed at enhancing patient outcomes taking into account disease severity and sex.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Nutrition and Dietetics,Medicine (miscellaneous)

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