Short- and Long-term Prognostic Value of Postoperative Cardiac Troponin I Concentration in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting


Fellahi Jean-Luc1,Gué Xavier2,Richomme Xavier1,Monier Emmanuel3,Guillou Louis3,Riou Bruno4


1. Staff Anesthesiologist.

2. Staff Biologist.

3. Staff Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Centre Hospitalier Privé Saint Martin, Caen, France.

4. Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care and Chairman, Service d'accueil des urgences, Centre Hospitalo-universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France.


Background The value of postoperative cardiac troponin I (cTnI) has been shown to indicate a higher risk of in-hospital death after cardiac surgery. The authors therefore assessed the long-term prognostic value of cTnI in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting. Methods Consecutive patients (n = 202) were included and divided into two groups according to the postoperative value of cTnI (< or >/= 13 ng/ml). In-hospital mortality and nonfatal cardiac events (delayed extubation > 24 h; postoperative requirement of inotropic agent; ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia; postoperative myocardial infarction) were recorded. Survivors were then followed up over a 2-yr period. Data are median and odds ratio (95% confidence interval). Results Of all patients, 174 (86%) had a low cTnI (4.1 ng/ml; range, 1.1-12.6) and 28 (14%) had a high cTnI (23.8 ng/ml; range, 13.4-174.6). In-hospital mortality was not significantly different (4 vs. 2%), whereas long-term mortality (18 vs. 3%, P = 0.006) and mortality from cardiac cause (18 vs. 1%, P < 0.001) was greater in patients with a high cTnI. A high cTnI was a significant factor predicting death (odds ratio, 7.3 [2.0-27.1]) or death from cardiac causes (odds ratio, 37.4 [4.2-334.4]). Nonfatal cardiac events were also more frequent in the hospital (64 vs. 41%, P = 0.02) and within the 2-yr follow-up period (39% vs. 16%, P = 0.03) in patients with high cTnI. Conclusion A high postoperative peak of cTnI is associated with increased risk of death, death from cardiac causes, and nonfatal cardiac events within 2 yr after coronary artery bypass grafting.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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